Guidance and Tools for Global Food Security Programs FY 2022-2026

The U.S. Government Global Food Security Strategy (2022–2026)

The U.S. Government’s Global Food Security Strategy (GFSS), which guides the Feed the Future Initiative, presents an integrated approach to combating the root causes of hunger, malnutrition, and poverty.

The strategy reflects lessons learned from implementing Feed the Future for over a decade and charts a course for the U.S. Government and its partners to achieve a more food-secure future across the globe.

The GFSS maintains key tenets of the original Feed the Future model while making adjustments to account for changes in the local context and lessons learned. Of particular note, resilience is elevated within the strategy’s objectives, alongside agriculture-led growth and improved nutrition. The updated strategy serves as a vigorous response to the challenges of our moment, including COVID-19, conflict, inequity, and climate change.

Browse the resources below for more information on the GFSS, Activity Design Guidances, and additional tools for designing Feed the Future activities.

Activity Design Guidances for Implementing the U.S. Government’s Global Food Security Strategy 2022-2026

The Activity Design Guidance documents provide a shared understanding of key concepts and best practices for designing and implementing Feed the Future activities under the Global Food Security Strategy. Aid effectiveness principles are core to implementation across these technical areas.

Implementers are strongly encouraged to refer to multiple relevant GFSS Activity Design Guidance documents in conjunction for best implementation practices and suggestions for designing activities. 

A group of women holding their hands in the air and smiling

Advancing Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment

This guidance describes how to design and implement programming that is both effective and gender-sensitive/-transformative.

A woman in Ethiopia planting seeds in a field.

Climate-Smart Agriculture and Food Systems

This document provides guidance for achieving climate change adaptation and mitigation outcomes in Feed the Future activity designs.

Members of the Virginia Task Force 1 Urban Search and Rescue Team, Haiti

Conflict Integration

This guidance shares the key principles and lessons learned on designing activities, and provides promising programming examples and practices from Feed the Future investments to date.

Hands holding 6 eggs

Diets and Food Safety

This guidance describes best practices, clarifies concepts, recommends programming principles, and provides links to technical resources for diets and food safety.

A black woman sitting and tapping on an Apple IPad.

Digital Technology

This guidance shares how digital technologies can be used effectively to support the achievement of development objectives, and how to integrate the usage of digital tools into activities.

A group of local women who are part of a Farmers’ Group, transplant seedlings from nurseries into the ground

Diversifying Livelihoods, Resilience, and Pathways Out of Poverty

This guidance document discusses how diversifying livelihood strategies and risks on- and off-farm can contribute to a comprehensive risk management approach.

Four women wearing green in a warehouse sorting beans.

Employment and Entrepreneurship

This guidance shares examples, various intervention approaches, and the steps to take to ensure programming helps economically poor households and the diverse circumstances.

In Debre Birhan’s livestock market in the Amhara region of Ethiopia, farmers and traders count their money after a transaction.

Finance: Unlocking Capital Flows

This guidance addresses catalyzing private capital flows in activities that impact all areas of Feed the Future programming, and shares relevant points to think about when designing activities that utilize finance.

 farmer, Ndamage Ignace, irrigates a watermelon garden located in Gatsibo District, one of the driest areas in Eastern Rwanda.

Improved Water Resources Management for Agricultural Systems

This guidance shares examples of WRM interventions, how to improve interventions of WRM of agricultural systems at the localized level, and concludes with additional resources and tools.

Kansas State University PhD student Daljit Singh driving the push-cart that is equipped with multi-spectral sensor and high-resolution DSLR cameras in a wheat field

Increased Sustainable Agricultural Productivity

This guidance shares approaches to increasing sustainable agricultural productivity, components of sustainable agricultural productivity growth, how to design activities, and gives examples of programming in practice.

Two women in white protective clothes working on mango production

Integrating a Market Systems Approach in Programming

This guidance describes how using an inclusive market systems approach in programming can advance the GFSS, provides activity examples, and identifies resources for design and implementation.

Veronica Rusagira, an Israel Chemicals Ltd (ICL) agronomist, shares the company’s product information with a local agrodealer in Iringa, Tanzania.

Integrating Private Sector Engagement in Programming

This guidance shares how to work with the private sector to design and deliver development and humanitarian programs across all sectors, and to harness resources to open markets.

Two goats looking directly at the camera.

Investing in Livestock and Animal Source Food Systems

This guidance shares production system-specific opportunities and approaches for designers to consider, as well as a process map to guide the design of livestock investments.

Ms. Khady Ndongo (in purple) is a community nutrition volunteer in the Matam region of Senegal. Here she has organized a "Passing on the Gift" ceremony between women in her village and those in a village 7 kilometers away and has presented two goats to a member of a Debbo Galle (competent mothers) Group.     Through this process, families that receive livestock through the Feed the Future Senegal Yaajeende project, implemented by a consortium led by NCBA CLUSA, pass on offspring to other targeted families.


This guidance shares how aligning Feed the Future activities with programming approaches and principles can ensure that programming contributes to the overall vision for localization.

Aerial shot from a town above

Natural Resource Management

This guidance shares guiding questions to improve current integration approaches in a more coordinated, systematic manner when designing activities, and examples of programming in practice.

A group of people in a circle with beans in the middle sorting them out.

Programming Approaches for Policy Systems Strengthening

The purpose of this document is to provide guidance on the USAID-led design and implementation of activities that promote evidence-based policy systems in support of the GFSS.

Mr. Ibrahima Sall, president of Senegal’s Northern Rice Millers Association (ARN) and CEO of Coumba Nor Thiam standing in front of a huge machine.

Scaling for Widespread Adoption of Improved Technologies and Practices

This document shares guidance on how to incorporate scaling improved technologies and practices into development efforts to reduce hunger, malnutrition, and poverty.

n the Satkhira District of Bangladesh, a mother holds her son and feeds her son milk produced by her family’s dairy cows.

Social Protection

This guidance discusses the opportunities, gaps and leverage points within the national social protection system and programs, and identifies how GFSS programming can strengthen and scale these.

Two people in the windy dessert, carrying water, and a donkey in the background.

Strengthened Resilience Among People and Systems

This guidance discusses the resilience approaches to designing USAID activities, the common resilience principles and approaches, and shares examples of programming in practice.

A man and a woman smiling. The man is holding a basket with crops in it, and the women is taking them.

Supporting Agricultural Trade for Improved Food Security Programming

This guidance shares how to design trade-related activities, and the principles and types of trade interventions that could be undertaken to achieve IRs across the GFSS results framework.

A fisherman in the middle of fishnets mending his nets in Ghana's Cape Coast.

Sustainable Aquaculture Production Systems

This guidance shares how sustainable, responsible, and adaptive aquaculture can help achieve the GFSS strategic objectives, provides programming examples, and lists guiding questions for designing activities.

A man in the water with a fish net hanging in the air with fish.

Sustainable Fisheries Management

This guidance shares how to sustainably optimize production, how to achieve the GFSS strategic objectives through programming examples, and guiding questions to consider when designing a fisheries activity.

A group of youth smiling and planting plants.

Youth Empowerment and Livelihoods in Food Systems

This document aims to synthesize key messages and information on how to integrate attention to youth (ages 10–29) into Feed the Future work programs and share programming examples.

Women in the forefront smiling in the field with her hands in the dirt planting trees. Two men in the background working in the field.

Additional Resources

USAID works in a variety of different technical areas, including: Agriculture, Economic Growth, Environment, Education, Democracy, Human Rights, and Governance, Women’s Empowerment, Water and Sanitation, and Global Health. Access tools and learn more by visiting the following resources::