EVENT NAME Managing Soils to Address Global Challenges EVENT DATE: THURSDAY, 24 FEBRUARY, 2022 - 09:30 AM to 11:00 AM Posted Questions [10:19 AM] Carl Wahl asked : How do we move from a very systematic, formulaic form of agriculture (improved seeds + fertilizer) promoted under the Green Revolution to one that requires far more nuance according to specific soil / rainfall contexts? What are the implications for extension? 5 upvotes | 0 answer | 0 reply [10:05 AM] Cary Fowler asked : A "what if" question: What if there had been a CGIAR center focused not so much on specific crops, but on soil? In the absence of this, do we have structures or mechanisms for coordinating, prioritizing and promoting implementation of soil science research? What might you suggest? 4 upvotes | 0 answer | 0 reply [10:00 AM] Sabrina Birner asked : can you address 1. the timing required for carbon sequestration in the soil and 2. effective, credible, and affordable systems to measure soil carbon sequestration. Thanks 3 upvotes | 0 answer | 0 reply [10:11 AM] Jeremy Venable asked : I saw biochar mentioned on one of the slide but do you see it (biochar) having a roll to play? Both in carbon sequestration but also in improving soil pH, soel CEC, and water holding capacity? 3 upvotes | 0 answer | 0 reply [10:12 AM] Katie West asked : Perhaps you mentioned this, but you mentioned paying smallholder farmers for the carbon they return to the soil. Who are you proposing pays them? 3 upvotes | 0 answer | 0 reply [10:13 AM] Katherine Riebe asked : Do not many chemical fertilizers also contribute to soil degradation in the long term? What kind of increased fertilizer use is being promoted? 3 upvotes | 0 answer | 0 reply [10:26 AM] Seth Tetteh asked : Thank you for the presentation. It is obvious from your presentation that the need to restore soil health cannot be over-emphasized. In your presentation, you recommended some technical solutions (including RA, CA, etc). Do you also see the need for new sustainable policies to drive the change? 3 upvotes | 0 answer | 0 reply [10:33 AM] Paul Guenette asked : Carbon sequestration by small farmers depends on sustainable and stable tree-planting. Check out trees.com as Trees for the Future is planting more trees than anyone, and doing it with small farmers who value the trees (fruit, nut, nitrogen-fixing, animal fodder, ets. integrated into their diverse a 3 upvotes | 0 answer | 0 reply [10:48 AM] Kelsey Mercurio asked : Will there be a way for us to get in touch with other audience members after the presentation? Based on questions and comments people have posted, it sounds like there are opportunities to continue the conversations, share ideas with each other, and possibly build partnerships. 3 upvotes | 0 answer | 0 reply [09:58 AM] Sudarshan Raj Sharma asked : I am interested in regenerative agriculture and want to volunteer to replicate. Please suggest how it can be done 2 upvotes | 0 answer | 0 reply [10:06 AM] Sabrina Birner asked : Regarding increasing use of fertilitizers in Africa: current levels of fertilizer use, soils in West Africa are being acidified, so fertilizers are less effective. Do you have comments on the use of agricultural lime in regenerative agriculture? (ag lime decreases soil acidity) 2 upvotes | 0 answer | 0 reply [10:17 AM] Lewis K. Kamiri asked : How do we integrate habitat/land use losses due to urbanization and land subdivisions into addressing the impacts /solutions that you are proposing? 2 upvotes | 0 answer | 0 reply [10:19 AM] Godfrey Magoma asked : Would you also recommend C- payment approach for small holder farmers practicing Conservation Agriculture? 2 upvotes | 0 answer | 0 reply [10:20 AM] Shawn Baker asked : Thank you Professor Lal - a privilege to listen to your wisdom: For the UN Food Systems Summit - 1. What for you were the biggest wins; 2. What were the biggest missed opportunities. 2 upvotes | 0 answer | 0 reply [10:25 AM] Peter Sutton asked : Land restoration & Rewilding - You recommend we return land to nature at a huge scale. Where will this land come from and who will pay for it? Should we allocate 10% of each farm or take out huge areas? 2 upvotes | 0 answer | 0 reply [10:29 AM] Jeremy Venable asked : Related to Rob Bertram's point on declining fertilizer response in degraded soil. This is a situation in Malawi. This paper shows that yield responses to fertilizer have been declining as soil health declines. https://www.mwapata.mw/_files/ugd/dd6c2f_bcb82aefdf5746429248fb240f63cd1d.pdf 2 upvotes | 0 answer | 0 reply [10:34 AM] Sabrina Birner asked : A comment, rather than a question: It will be important to develop protocols to help farmers adjust input use based on soil health. 2 upvotes | 0 answer | 0 reply [10:37 AM] Jawoo Koo asked : Can you comment on the implications of soil carbon pools in the carbon pricing scheme? Shouldn't the focus of discussion on carbon credits not only on the soil carbon amount, but also on the management of different pools (since each pool behaves and benefits differently)? 2 upvotes | 0 answer | 0 reply [10:39 AM] anonymous asked : the idea of markets for recycling organic materials (incl. from food wastage) as part of circular economies has come up a lot in recent years; my question: do we know enough about the (potential) agronomic & economic returns to application, in order to identify viable business models? 2 upvotes | 0 answer | 0 reply [10:40 AM] Albin Hubscher asked : IFDC is the answer 2 upvotes | 0 answer | 0 reply [09:43 AM] anonymous asked : Does the 75% of agricultural land used to raise animals include growing feed for animal use? 1 upvote | 0 answer | 0 reply [10:05 AM] Bob Tansey asked : Very interested in your thinking on how to scale regenerative approaches globally, including the role of development agencies. TNC will advance foodscapes as platforms for dialogue & action. Thanks, Bob Tansey, Global Policy Lead for Agriculture, The Nature Conservancy, rtansey@tnc.org 1 upvote | 0 answer | 0 reply [10:07 AM] Claudia Ringler asked : Hi! There was a soils center - International Board for Soil Research and Management (IBSRAM). It was absorbed by the International Water Management Institute. Some soil/water work continues to go on there. 1 upvote | 0 answer | 0 reply [10:10 AM] Cary Fowler asked : Can you speak about the specific problem of "peak phosphorus"? 1 upvote | 0 answer | 0 reply [10:12 AM] Bram Peters asked : Very insightful. What tensions do you see between land grabbing and soil carbon farming schemes now currently being proposed as part of climate action? 1 upvote | 0 answer | 0 reply [10:12 AM] Thaven Naidoo asked : Are there protocols for evaluating the increase in soil carbon from regenerative agriculture/agroforestry to the extent that this can be monetised? 1 upvote | 0 answer | 0 reply [10:14 AM] Austen Moore asked : How do challenges with land tenureship, lack of documentation, and elite capture affect carbon payment schemes? This has been a challenge in operationalizing these approaches in poorer countries. 1 upvote | 0 answer | 0 reply [10:15 AM] Godfrey Magoma asked : I am wondering if you can also comment on the road map for Latin America towards restoring the soil health? I just saw for Sub Saharan Africa. 1 upvote | 0 answer | 0 reply [10:19 AM] Arun KC asked : The aggregate impacts of soil carbon sequestration should be interpreted carefully, which is in the long run can be lost quickly and go back to the atmosphere. How can we deal with this? 1 upvote | 0 answer | 0 reply [10:22 AM] Kaushlendra Tingi asked : Is there method to provide carbon credits for agricultural products, which have more than 2 years of utilization life cycle? Examples are Cotton and other fiber crops. 1 upvote | 0 answer | 0 reply [10:22 AM] Peter Sutton asked : Dr Lal, Thanks for many excellent suggestions for a global food strategy covering all aspects from farm to fork and education. Could you also add extension services to the list? 1 upvote | 0 answer | 0 reply [10:24 AM] anonymous asked : How could we better manage soil in West Africa irrigated plain for rice production ? 1 upvote | 0 answer | 0 reply [10:24 AM] Claudia Ringler asked : Kelsey--there is FortiferTM, from sludge to ag fertilizer - https://wle.cgiar.org/market-adoption-and-diffusion-fecal-sludge-based-fertilizer-developing-countries-crosscountry 1 upvote | 0 answer | 0 reply [10:28 AM] Justice Okona Frimpong asked : Please, what about issues related to the leaching of applied nutrients? What role does it play in maintaining soil health? 1 upvote | 0 answer | 0 reply [10:40 AM] Tarek Jarrahi asked : How could we better manage calcareous and alkaline soils in north Africa for wheat production under rainfed conditions? Thank you 1 upvote | 0 answer | 0 reply [10:49 AM] Peter Sutton asked : Several recent publications (at least in the UK) such as "The Land of Penty" from the World Wildlife Fund, focus on the need to eat less meat, and not to feed imported grains and soya to animals. Surely this is an essential challenge for the 21st century. 1 upvote | 0 answer | 0 reply [10:58 AM] Sabrina Birner asked : on link between soil health and migration: please see New Yorker article below, on the death in Libyan prisons of a young migrant from Guinea Bissau who left his country bc his family's farm was failing. https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2021/12/06/the-secretive-libyan-prisons-that-keep-migrants-o 1 upvote | 0 answer | 0 reply [10:58 AM] Tom Miles asked : Many thanks for an inspiring talk and questions. It crystalized many complex issues. 1 upvote | 0 answer | 0 reply [09:23 AM] Reginald Fagan asked : Has the broadcast been canceled? 0 upvote | 2 answers | 1 reply rob bertram answered - no starts at 9:30 Michael Saltz answered - the webinar will begin 7 minutes. Reginald Fagan replied - Ok, I'm in LA area [09:46 AM] anonymous asked : Does the 1.1% annual increase in population account for also account for mortality? particularly during the pandemic? 0 upvote | 0 answer | 0 reply [09:54 AM] anonymous asked : please repeat points on soil , human , plant health Nexux 0 upvote | 0 answer | 0 reply [09:56 AM] Albin Hubscher asked : Dr. Lal, you indicate that Agriculture produces 30-35% greenhouse gase emissions. Other sources including our world in data indicate 18-20%. Why this difference? 0 upvote | 0 answer | 0 reply [10:03 AM] Nyawa Chengoni asked : Please after finishing repeat points on soil, human, plant-health Nexux 0 upvote | 0 answer | 0 reply [10:09 AM] Claudia Ringler asked : In terms of how to compensate farmers for improving soil health--there is the concept of "charismatic carbon", i.e. acknowledgment of co-benefits restoring soil carbon for humanity. 0 upvote | 0 answer | 0 reply [10:09 AM] Sudarshan Raj Sharma asked : Can CA4SH help Nepal to address soil degradation if yes How to approach? 0 upvote | 0 answer | 0 reply [10:13 AM] anonymous asked : Given the small land plots in Asia, what are the most promising regenerative agriculture strategies with livestock on such small plots of land. I am seeing a move to confinement livestock on cement, which is antithetical to regenerative livestock and regenerative grazing. Please advise. 0 upvote | 0 answer | 0 reply [10:13 AM] Paul Gibson asked : Thanks for the insightful presentation. How can SSA return land to nature in the next decade when more land will be used simply to meet basic food needs of the population. (because it doesn't seem that continent-wide needs can be met by yield increases) 0 upvote | 0 answer | 0 reply [10:14 AM] Debebe Gashawbeza Dejenu asked : Soil is the most basic entry point for any development that requires real focus of the leadership. The leadership sees the short term results than the long lasting areas. How can we get the attention of decesion makers to give priority for soil health and extension by allocating good budget? 0 upvote | 0 answer | 0 reply [10:15 AM] Dr Sultan Mahmud asked : Sir, do you have study about Bangladesh? 0 upvote | 0 answer | 0 reply [10:19 AM] Luke Colavito asked : Dr. Lal, the monitoring best soil practice is challenging, you mentioned some technologies to measure soil health. Do you see best practices in soil monitoring emerging. Do you see systems of certification, like now done for organic agriculture as potential for regenerative ag? Luke Colavito, iDE 0 upvote | 0 answer | 0 reply [10:21 AM] Kaushlendra Tingi asked : Relating to Terra Preta soils, what are benefits of adding charcoal to soils for enhancing carbon sequestration? 0 upvote | 0 answer | 0 reply [10:22 AM] Kelsey Mercurio asked : What are some strategies for recycling nutrients from human waste without compromising food safety? Hot composting? Biochar? 0 upvote | 0 answer | 0 reply [10:37 AM] Esther Afedido asked : Please how can a yellow mosaic virus infected land be ammended? 0 upvote | 0 answer | 0 reply [10:38 AM] anonymous asked : Dr Lal, Thanks for the insight. Proper nitrogen management is still a challenge despite the introduction of 4R nutrient stewardship. Is there a need to incentivize producers that grow crops with no or very limited inorganic N fertilizer? ... “N credits”. 0 upvote | 0 answer | 0 reply [10:44 AM] Victor Kommerell asked : Talking about CGIAR: The current portfolio of 32 pool-funded Initiatives shows a glaring gap: N-in-Ag cycle. Need to quickly remedy this. There's a clear, value-add International Ag Res role to take on. 0 upvote | 0 answer | 0 reply [10:54 AM] Abdul Wakeel asked : Do you think, biofortification of crops with micronutrients is possible without healthy and retored soils? @Rattan Lal 0 upvote | 0 answer | 0 reply [10:56 AM] Cary Fowler asked : Superb presentation. Riveting Q&A. Thank you Dr. Lal, USAID and participants! 0 upvote | 0 answer | 0 reply [10:56 AM] Peter Sutton asked : Mapping - Your land use and soil restoration strategies could all be advanced by satellite mapping and modelling. How many countries have access to this technology for agricultural extension? 0 upvote | 0 answer | 0 reply [10:57 AM] Victor Kommerell asked : Thank you very much! 0 upvote | 0 answer | 0 reply [11:01 AM] Tara Geiger asked : Thank you so much for the wonderful discussion! 0 upvote | 0 answer | 0 reply [11:04 AM] amal LABAIOUI asked : Thank you for this presentation 0 upvote | 0 answer | 0 reply