Georgina V Bingham

United States Senior Technical Adviser & Global Partnerships, Food Security & Associate Professor Entomology (Adjunct) Vestergaard Frandsen Inc./ University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Dr. Georgina Bingham serves as the senior technical advisor and global partnerships manager of the Food Security business at Vestergaard. Within this role she has successfully brought two new food security products, under the ZeroFly® brand, from development to launch.  Georgina has over 15 years experience working in developing regions including sub-Saharan Africa and Southeast Asia, and holds qualifications for project management and good clinical practice. She is also a Fellow of the Royal Entomological Society and Adjunct Associate Professor within the department of Entomology at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.  Georgina has a strong research and development background in agriculture and biochemistry; with a BSc (hons) in Agricultural/Animal Science from Edinburgh University; completed MSc courses (Erasmus) in Animal Physiology & Production at Wageningen University and a PhD from Imperial College London – based at Rothamsted Research UK & the Department of Primary Industries NSW Australia.  She held post-doctoral posts funded through competitive grant proposals collaborating on projects with various global research institutions and private industry.  Currently acting as private partner liaison for USAID FtF Post Harvest Innovation Lab, GATES funded sleeping sickness elimination programme TRYPA-NO, and Costa Rican Government funded Stable Fly Elimation programme.

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