Bo Lager

Bo Lager

Sweden Senior Policy Adviser Swedish Society for Nature Conservation

Bo Lager has a BSc in Forestry and MSc Agroforestry with 30 years’ experience from working in management positions in the natural resources sector in Africa and Asia. Lager have been focusing on sustainable natural resource management, agroforestry, forestry, agriculture, food security, rural development and Community Forest Management. In his most recent position, he was the Chief Technical Adviser at the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) for the Restoration Initiative (TRI) Project in Myanmar advancing Forest and Landscape Restoration (FLR). 

Lager was Program Director for Vi Agroforestry in East Africa, implementing an agroforestry extension program, building 200,000 small scale farmers capacity in tree growing, agroforestry and climate smart agricultural practices in Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Tanzania and Malawi. He also served as the livelihood adviser for a food security program in North Korea which involved developing conservation agricultural practices, home gardening and small-scale food processing units. He was the Team Leader of the World Bank supported Eastern Nile Watershed Project in Sudan, working on Community Watershed Management. Lager has been implementing project/programs related to climate change mitigation and adaptation in natural resource management. In Kenya, he was spearheading two carbon finance projects for Vi Agroforestry. One was the first soil and agricultural carbon project “Kenya Agricultural Carbon Project” (KACP) in Africa with support from World Bank (BioCarbon Fund) which included development of a new methodology under Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) quantifying the GHG emission reductions achieved through sustainable land management practices (including agroforestry) linking 50,000 smallholder farmers in Western Kenya to the world carbon market. The second project, “Trees sustain life”, which follows the Plan Vivo standards attracted finance from the voluntary carbon market and involved agroforestry practices in more than 1,000 smallholder’s farms in Kagera region of Tanzania who transformed their land into productive agroforestry systems.

Lager has vast experience from community forest management, supporting forest communities to enhance value chain from village land forest reserves that can sustainable livelihoods and increased resilience of forest ecosystems in Myanmar, Mongolia, Tanzania, Sudan, Uganda, Kenya and Vietnam. 

Areas of Expertise: