Dr. Nathanial Matthews

Nathanial Matthews

United Kingdom Director of Programs The Global Resilience Partnership

Senior leader with a strong technical background and a proven ability to successfully manage complex large scale global programs and diverse and dispersed partnerships and teams. Primary focus on climate change mitigation and adaptation, resilience and innovation across oceans, agriculture, freshwater and forests. Numerous advisory and expert working group appointments and regular contributor to media and global science and policy including as a Lead Author for the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES), an Obama Foundation Mentor, IPCC Expert Reviewer and the World Economic Forum Global Risk Report. Publications covering over 55 scientific papers and reports and two books. Additional positions as a Senior Visiting Fellow at King's College London, regular lectures at Oxford University and Fellow of the Royal Geographic Society. I occasionally tweet from: @Nate_Matthews_ 

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