Dan Norell

United States Senior Technical Advisor Economic Development World Vision

Dan Norell works as a Senior Technical Advisor in Economic Development for World Vision US on the Food Security & Livelihoods Team providing technical services to grant acquisition for US Government and Foundation funding in market development, savings groups, economic recovery, microfinance, and other economic development interventions. He is the co-author of the “Integrating Extremely Poor Producers into Markets Field Guide.”  The Field Guide is designed to provide tools to market facilitators in the field. He is also a co-author of the article “Value chain development with the extremely poor: evidence and lessons from CARE, Save the Children, and World Vision” published in the March/June 2017 Enterprise Development and Microfinance Journal. Dan holds a Master’s Degree in Business Administration and a Master’s Degree in Social Work.  He has seven years overseas experience in Jamaica and Zimbabwe and 21 years in the World Vision US Washington, DC office.

Areas of Expertise: