Engage since a few years near the United Nations, the photo was made in Italy in 2018

Jean-Luc Siméon

France CEO and scientist Deywoss One llc

I was teacher in the French Caribbean before to meet Climate Changes. Then I prepared a Phd in Grenoble (in 2008), France title "Climate Changes management". I have working for the French Government CNRS, (Centre Nationale de la Recherche Scientifique) on an International Program concerning "Climate Refugees". It was about peoples confront to extreme disasters such as: Sea Level Rise, Hurricane, landslide. I was in change of the USA. My work have consisted to understand how the Disaster Katrina was management by the Gov and in what way it was possible to improve the US response system.

I created my first Start-Up n France in 2015. We was developing technologies for the Space and Civil Sector.  In 2017 I created another  start-Up in the USA (Delaware) and were going to put our Office in Brunswick, Maine. We wanted to use our innovations to improve the work of the firefighters. 

In 2017 I engaged near the United Nations as "Member of the Community Strategic Approach to Capacity Development for Implementation, Sendai Framework". Last year 2019 at the GP 2019 (United Nations) I met African and Caribbean GNO and CEO also engaged into the fight against climate changes and fodd self-sufficiency ain Gevena. Today our main research consist to hep African countries in difficulties to achieve self-sufficiency food. 

Our Research and Scientific papers should serve the real actors of our societies.  I am just as involved in the US Economy, particularly the Labors sector (becauese of my US Start-Up) as the rest of the world. 

More about my work can be seen here: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Jean_Luc_Simeon2. Today we are developing an instrument for climatological studdy, to monitor Heat Waves and help both, Private and Public sector mitigate to climate changes. Thank you


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